A safe space to get information about Cyber Bullying and how to seek help

Dolly Evertt 2018
A decade ago the term Cyber bullying would have been relatively unknown, unfortunately due to the advancements that Web 2.0 afforded Internet users with social networking sites, collaboration tools, mobile phones and media sharing has made it imperative to coin the term (Lifeboat Foundation, n.d).
Cyber bullying is typically defined by the deliberate intent to torment, harass, abuse or humiliate another person/s through electronic media (Betts, 2016).
According to Internet safety lawyer and executive director of wiredsafety.net, Parry Aftab, the term cyber bullying refers to online exchanges between minors with most of these exchanges occurring between individuals or groups that are known to each other offline (Kowalski, Limber & Agatston, 2008, p.44).

(Kowalski, R. M., Limber, S. P., & Agatston, P. W. 2008).
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