Everyone has the right to feel and be safe. Being bullied can make you feel sad, angry, scared and alone...but you are never alone. You may feel embarrassed or that it is silly or not important, this is not the case.
You are important, and your feelings are not silly, they are important so
remember there is always someone that you can talk to.
First step is to talk to your parent, teacher or another adult you feel close to as they will be able to help you. Talking to an adult will get you the help you need so that the bullying stops. After taking that first step, you will feel like you are not alone anymore, and this is very important.

"Reachout is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young
people and their parents. Reachout was the world’s first online mental health
service for nearly 20 years. All information and support are based on the latest
evidence and designed by experts". (Reachout, 2018)
There is an interactive questionnaire that can assist on getting the best support
options for the situation as well as online discussions.
The link to access the interactive questionnaire and or the online discussion is: https://au.reachout.com/forums
"Kids Helpline was officially opened in 1991 and has registered 7.5 million contacts from young people in the past 26 years" (Kids Helpline, 2018).
Kids Helpline allows anyone to call the hotline at any time.
The website also caters for different age group which has information based on their level of understanding, so they can get the help or information they need. Kids Helpline also has a live one on one live chat and the option to email if the person feels they can’t find the help on the website.
Hotline: 1800 55 1800 for any reason at any time

"Eheadspace is the online and telephone counselling service that is a part of Headspace which is a National Youth Mental Health Foundation. Headspace provides support for 12-25 years old in the mental health, physical health, work and study support along with alcohol and other drug services" (Headspace, n.p, 2018).
The Eheadspace website allows the person to contact via phone seven days per week as well as the options to email, and even be able to join live group chats that allows a person to ask questions anonymously.
Hotline: 1800 650 890
Website: https://www.eheadspace.org.au/
"For nearly 40 years Life Education has been educating and empowering school aged children to make healthy and safe choices (Life Education, 2018).
Through their latest program ‘Relate Respect Connect’, Life Education has created a series of fictitious vlogs that will help to understand respecting one another, how to foster positive relationships online and offline and strategies to encourage well being" (Life Education, 2018).
Phone: 03 9456 9833
Website: https://www.lifeeducation.org.au

Consisting of 18 expert volunteers (psychologists, educators, researchers), the National Centre Against Bullying has been set up by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, to focus on the ever increasing epidemic that is cyber bullying.
The NCAB works directly with communities, schools and the government to provide a voice for those children who cannot speak for themselves in hope of freeing our children from a life of bullying and violence (NCAB, 2018).
Website: https://www.ncab.org.au
QLife is an LGBTQI organisation that offers counselling and support for all ages through telephone services, online chats and Internet forums.
Phone: 1800 184 527
Website: https://qlife.org.au/

Child Protection Peak is an organisation dedicated to the support and well being of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families. By visiting their website you can locate the nearest community centre to access all their resources.
Phone: (07) 3102 4119
Website: http://www.qatsicpp.com.au/
This site has been created by students as part of a Curtin University assignment and does not represent the views of the university or its affiliates. To view the full disclaimer click here.