This site has been created by students as part of a Curtin University assignment and does not represent the views of the university or its affiliates.
We are not professional councillors, psychologists or experts in the field of cyber bullying and the content we have produced is our original content or has been sourced and referenced to the original owners.
All of the images and videos used on our website, Facebook page and Youtube channel that depict actual events and individuals, have been used so with the explicit permission of the owners.
We understand that the topic of bullying and cyber bullying can be confronting and distressing for some but this website has been created as a space where individuals can express their ideas freely, without judgement, provide support or advice to others and be a tool to find helpful resources.

Under Section 40 of the copyright code, any articles from periodical publications that we reproduce is considered to be fair dealing. “This exception does not apply if another article in the publication is also reproduced for the purpose of different research or study” (NLA.gov.au).
“Published editions: it is a fair dealing to reproduce up to a 'reasonable portion', which is defined as:
For a literary, dramatic or musical work published in hard copy form: 10% of the number of pages in the edition or a single chapter.
For a literary or dramatic work published in electronic form (but not a computer program or an electronic compilation): 10% of the number of words ora single chapter.
If you subsequently want to make a further reproduction from the same published work, you cannot invoke this exception again (NLA.gov.au).
This site has been created by students as part of a Curtin University assignment and does not represent the views of the university or its affiliates. To view the full disclaimer click here.